Gant tiene descuentos del 20% en mercancía seleccionada (de la nueva temporada) y un 70% menos en camisas y pantalones en su mesa de atrás.
Increíblemente, las prendas quedan entre $11 y $14 por algo que regularmente cuesta $56.
Pero apresúrense, porque están que se vuelan!
Gant Store at Multiplaza is offering spectacular discounts on their discount table at the store´s back. Discounts are mostly at 70% off the marked price (most shirts and trousers cost $56), and the items´price ranges mostly between $11 to $14.
Their offering ranges moslty on shirts and pants, but they also have some nice ties at $7, some hats and backpacks and shorts, too.
But hurry up, since the offer is so hot, people is buying faster than ever.